but she also has an openness to (( )) so i love a lot of things, outings, adventures, singing, acting, and fun stuff. meet cherry...or "alana"...the name she would like to be called. we're here at the springs preserve because while cherry doesn't like dogs or cats, she does like snakes, and she was hoping to get a glance at one in the preserve's live animal exhibits. (nats) cherry is a dreamer... she claims to have 3 birthdays, and wants to be a singer or you wouldn't believe. she's a smart girl she can remember things really well i could see her being an actress for sure. but first things first, chery knows she needs the foundation of a real family. i'm fine with being adopted. a family that could take me into their house, and raise me till 18. we talk about how that could be her forever home and forever could be beyond 18. they see 18 and then what i don't know. cherry wants to keep a connection to her chinese heritage, but also wants to keep up with teenage trends. i love makeup, of course and shopping (points at the camera) don't forget that! (what do you like to shop for?) everything. makeup, close, skin creams, and sh