backspace, backspace, backspace. shift-eight, apostrophe, apostrophe, apostrophe-- because that makes an exclamation mark, you see-- close parentheses. so that's what i-- i think whoever it is, walking back-- "yeah, i struck out, i should have caught that, i didn't get it, i struck out." i think they hear me typing that up in my little box: "sit down!" clack, clack, clack, clack! backspace, backspace, backspace! ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: this might be the angriest i've ever seen tom hanks. >> well, you know. >> stephen: nicely done. >> well, it keeps you in the game. >> stephen: absolutely. anger's good for the blood. >> well, you know, after six and a half beers-- by the third inning, you get worked up. >> stephen: now you recently turned 60 years old. >> 60 years old, yes. >> stephen: okay! ( cheers and applause ) >> it wasn't hard. >> stephen: did 60 not hit you hard? >> well, no, no, because it's not a real accomplishment. you become 60 by, essentially, wait. >> stephen: inertia. >> but no, 36 was hard.