i mean they're so on, beadient. ( laughter ) they're so on, beadient. time at cannes. and we may not be invited to go back. >> stephen: you will live in the tee pea again. >> that's right. >> stephen: thanks for being here. listen on, the off chance jill stein is not elected president on tuesday, will you come back and talk to us again about whoever you're going to vote for the next time? >> you're not running this time. i know you ran -- >> you could write me in if you want to. >> if trump wins, would you consider be secretary of state? i mean -- >> if trump wins, i'm moving to wherever you're going. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> stephen: "captain fantastic" is now out on dvd and on demand. we'll be right back with patton oswalt. stick around. simulation initiated. take on any galaxy with a car that could stop for you. simulation complete. the new nissan rogue. rogue one: a star wars story. in theaters december 16th. (cheering on tv) you may write me down in history, with your bitter, twisted lies. you may trod me in the very dirt, but still like dust, i rise. you can