carolyn bridge's uncle had nice words to describe his nephew. >> very polite, very quiet guy, very loyal friend. >> reporter: the 24-year-old was with friends in philadelphia's west oak laneection. it was before 10:30 p.m. on friday, june 3 when police were called for report of a person with a gun. bridges and another man was shot. bridges died at the hospital. the other man survived. he wasn't able to give the police any information. the city of philadelphia is offering up to $20,000 in reward money for the arrest and conviction of the person responsible. all you have to do is call the citizens crime commission 215, 215-546-tips. all calls are remain anonymous. for the bridge's family they say they will band together to help raise his 4-year-old daughter. >> it's up to us to be good grandparents. >> for crime fighters, i'm rick williams, channel 6 "action news." fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mo