nokuzola: the little onenes, the little kids, they are very clole to my heart. if i can keep them safe on the road, i'll be very happy. i will sleepep peacefully at my house knonowing that i've saved so many lives on the road, especially the most v vulnerabl, the littltle children a at primy schools. narrator: one major problem is alalcohol. up to 50% of f drives killed i in south affrica have blood alcohol lelevels over r te legalal limit, as do o 60% of pedestrians s who die thehe roads. these grim s security camera images werere released as part f a road safety awareneness campan launched by the goverernment of the westetern cape,, which incls cape town. public educacation is parouount, but inin a coury wheere a major ppart of tthe ppopulation lives in povertyty, it's s hard to get road safetyy high onon the public agenda. hector: ordinary y peoplerere nt motivavated road safetyty as a paparticular r issue. they w wie other societal prprobms that thehey'll identifify before road safefe, and particicularly t ths poverty, equalitity, and employmement. i remembe