douche bagag that was nothing. uh-huh. thanks, inspector. d.o.a. 488 forsyth. i'll call the others. -- boyce and debrovsky. they probably sat in here all night chanting it. crime victims on the worst day of their life, giving statements of items stolen from their home or descriptions of loved ones that went missing or worse. if they've got to be called douche bag by a bird, you don't think we'll get complaints? you know, the voice of that sounds an awful lot like you, sipowicz. all right, now you're getting paranoid. helen stoles -- apparent suicide. a young girl. hate to see that. who found her? super. her boss stopped by off her missing two days of work. where's the e ss? i got his statement and kicked him. you kicked him? yeye. [ sighs ] where'd she work? st. luke's hospital, nightshift, clerical job. boss say she'd been depressed lately? he hadn't noticed, but she was never talkative. how long she work there? one year. she got family? not in town. boyfriend? he didn't think so. why? she was a loner. want me get the boss back? i got his home, cell, pager, he