miss fenwick... yes, mr. jackson? have my lawyer meet me in mayberry. if you all are ready, we'll declare court in session. ( gavels ) court's in session. case of mayberry v. j. howard jackson. the charge is speeding in excess of posted limits e to answer a summons. how do you plead? sheriff, my client... oh, guilty, guilty, let's get it over with. since the defendant pleads guilty there's only one thing left to do, and that's pass sentence. mr. j. howard jackson you are hereby fined the sum of $15. fifteen! wait a minute. do you mean to tell me you dragged me away from my business... let me alone. for a measly $15 fine?! and you just can't do that. well, i'm surprised you didn't have a lot of reporters and photographers around here. why is that? you running for reelection or something? "sheriff hauls in noted publisher." that would be pretty nice for a campaign speech, wouldn't it? oh, boy, these hicks-- they sure love to go after big game, don't they? well, one of these days, you will be pushed down to size. you wanted to see me, mr. jackson? yes... s