that weapon was purchased from a harris blake outside the new york city port authority bus terminal. not by me, but by jimmy mosler. i was holding it for him for his protection. 'cause that's the way this whole thing is shapin' up. that's wrong as hell! i didn't shoot nobody, and i got nothing against any latinos. they got something against you, frankie. everybody in that club says that you pulled that trigger and not jimmy. yeah? well, who do you think a jury is gonna bebeeve? me or a bunch of foreigners who can't even speak english? uh, no offense, man. as far as that goes, frankie, jimmy rolled. no. jimmy didn't say nothing. he's my boy. he's stand-up all the way. well, what do you think it was? divine inspiration that took us to that bar where we found you, frankie? that was your boy, jimmy, giving you up! capt? dada. damn. i wrote it like an apology hoping carla and rosie would get to see it too. you think you could get copies to 'em? can't do nothing till it's got a signature. i don't think i can sign this confession till i get to see rosie and my baby. guy rapes a 12-year-old,