. >> jayson barry introduce us to some valley vets. who create and new way to ease their pain. >> 2, 1, go. >> reporter: travis is all about physical fitness at his cross fit but there's more to this place than just helping others stay in shape. >> as a veteran, we're out of service but still have a duty to one another. this is one way to be able to do that. >> the u.s. army veteran recently created wounded waters. a nonprofit group devoted to helping vets suffering from physical and mental ailments. including ptsd. the group provides cross fit gym memberships to veterans at and alternative to prescription medication. >> it starts off getting though depression state. you're part of something you're part of the community. you're starting to prove to yourself because of an injury you might not think you'll ever do again. >> parker is seen when a difference wounded water is having on wets across the country. pay it forward to travis and his business partner dan neld. we followed a alcoholic beverage for the surprise. >> i knho work for wo