'cause joe rizolli told us what you said. a little while longer, so i can have the pleasure of beatin' your balls off every wall in this room until i tire myself out. look, sam, if this wasn't murder, no one is looking to make it that. if you and julie were talking out relationship problems, and you just happened to have a gun-- automatics. they can go off like that. no, it didn't happen, 'cause i would never hurt julie. make it an accident, not a homicide, where you'd never hurt her intentionally. we were attacked, man. getting back together. but, sam...don't forget about the gasoline. i'm tellin' you, man, this guy comes up, this son-of-sam type guy-- you told joe rizolli you shot her. we were back together... and this gun just goes off... totally on accident. it was just bad luck. chain of bad luck. this is where you lit julie's car on fire with julie in it, after you had shot her... inadvertently. yeah. where's the gun? i threw pieces of it out the window riding the l.i.e. they're by some marker, you know, so and so's res