i can say and really do mean this, even as a former mandrake official, i think it is parliament to insiston keepingi scrutiny of making sure the process is brought to satisfy thtcomes. i don't think it will all happes at once but it is a matter of parliament to keep its close ank scrutiny during eye on. >> equation the ideas, on behalf of parliament have asked which energy think need to be pursued. where are the gaps in the follow-up to your report? >> i suppose i was answering from memories of the departmental structure within government. in a way, our intelligence community, though it's grown quite substantially, is stillit very small. we have the intelligence and security committee, which is sometimes described as our limited committee, is actually a prime minister's committee, although with parliamentarians. there is an instrument of their, and it has published its report and it does have a lot of access. otherwise, i really stop at the point where the individual departmental select committees can inquire, scrutinizscrutiniz e, require accounts to be given, but we're there is an instr