phoenix. treating today like it's new year's eve in terms of the level of security that you will see throughout the say saying 5,000 officers will be secured to midtown, manhattan alone where both candidates await results tonight as well as supporters. >> the massive effort includes heavily armed units trained to quickly respond to terrorist threats. that 5,000 officer deployment is comparable to what would be used for a visit by the pope. you can imagine that there are people alr area of the west side there, already locked down, midtown hotel where donald trump is holding his rally tonight for his celebration tonight also secure. >> people thinking it's a good time to stroll through times square, hold off. maybe wait one more day. hang out on the outskirts of the city a little bit. >> yeah. >> it's interesting, both candidates are from the same states. i think that happened twice before, a rarity. in attendance where the president spoke last night. it soundsed to me like a good-bye speech. >> reporter: yeah. i hear you, and, certainly, in a number of his speeches campaigning for clinton, hearing e three on monday in three states including the one yo