durn dry and parched. >> pancho, get your canteen. >> did you have an accident, mr., uh... >> klondike. and what happened to me weren't no accident. i was held up, pistol-whipped, and set afoot, just that quick. the effect of it yet. >> it looks like a nasty bump, all right. but nothing seems to be broken. >> no, but my neck will be when the boss finds out that her wagon, cargo, mail, and horses has been swiped. >> you work for a woman? >> yeah, name's elaine. she runs the western freighting outfit. uh, you wouldn't be going over toward bitter creek way, would ya? >> that's exactly where we're going, to see an old friend. diablo will carry double. come on. for the good of his corporation. >> i don't got no corporation. only when i eat frijoles. >> (laughs) come on. ?? >> this will do fine, cisco. >> thanks. >> you're welcome. >> yeah, two times. >> klondike, what happened? >> swiped! >> yeah, the whole kit and caboodle. bunch of masked men rode out of some rocks and started throwing lead. >> jarrett-- he did it... to force me to sell. why, that lowdown sidewinder. i'll fix him. i'll blo