so you take classes in nutrition, maybe anatomy, or kinesiology or physiology. so you'll be more knowledgeable in order to help them. paula, if i wanted to be an aerobics instructor, whwh do you think i should do? most people who want to become an aerobics instructor have any training programs, which some do and some don't. some of these training programs just teach you the skills to be an instructor, which mainly includes the cueing, because when you get in front of a class, you need to know how to tell them what to do. why is communication so important? communication is very important from an aerobic instructor to its members because they are leading the class. there are other schools or workshops that will also give you the book knowledge that you need. every occupation i visited has used a computer. do you use a computer? the reason i have a computer is because i have a lot of paperwork that needs to be on there -- my schedules, my phone lists. i have a ariefcase full of stuff i use on the computer. my handwriting is the e ts. is being an aerobics instructor