scenes of the person accused and they shot at someone that looked like they were coming he was wearing redto come is that gang-related? most of it is complicated in the same way i if just not really thinking about it. a lot of these kids grow up in the same way that if you are in the soviet union you at the end of the communist party if you were in iraq you would be in the toughest party -- baathist party. again it to dominate the block you live and everybody has some kind of relationship to the gang. it could be that you have a completely minimal relationship dot you wear blue socks or whatever it is you have to do just to kind of be like okay, just leave me alone or you definitely don't wear red sox, whatever it may be. it could be that you say i'm against gangs and i'm never going to do anything but then you still have to live there. how are you going to live their? so it's not like some affiliation. they don't hand out membership cards and then people pay their dues. it doesn't work like that. so to me when i see the term now, i understand it differently. i want to say to people what is