tyco laid off workers in harrisburg and carlisle and moved their jobs to china, india and mexico.e conductivity laid off 102 workers in middletown and moved their jobs to china, vietnam and singapore. [booing] another company moved jobs to china. another laid off 145 workers and moved their jobs overseas. a trump administration will stop jobs from leaving america and we will stop the jobs from leaving pennsylvania. [applause] the theft of american prosperity will end, it is ending. if a company wants to fire their workers, leave pennsylvania, move to another country like mexico, which is taking so many of our companies, and ship their products back into the united states where we will soon have, by the way, a very strong and powerful border. [applause] we will make them pay a 35% tax on those products coming in. [applause] mr. trump: you know what is going to happen, right? they're not leaving. and if they do, we will make a lot of money. but they won't leave, they won't leave. a trump administration will renegotiate nafta, and if we don't get the deal we want, we will terminate n