hugh makes our naughty and our o nice list right now. 9:27. back in a moment. moment. hello name private first class aaron would like to give a specialpl holiday message to my mother whw lives in hampton, happy holidays and merryerry ♪♪ >> 9:30 i don't know about youi but there are certain traditions that make udoarpe holidays fore going to see the nutcracker, and last night i had the pleasure oo appearing as a guest performer.r >> you took it a step last night. >> at the warner theater. a totally dressed me up from thet costume department.tmen >> you were on stage. sta >> playing the merry widow. wid >> performing in the nutcrackern >> yeah. we couldn't get any video that'' me getting my hair done in the t wardrobe area. area. nice little period dress.. >> what was that like, erin.s k >> it was so cool, steve.l, s [ laughter ] i got a dance lesson.. louie said you should come backb and a guest i did not dance obviously notlyt talented to keep up with the ballet dancers however i got tot do a little walk with purpose io played the merry widows i dabbee my chee