cebria works.kthrough natural formula for your brain that's been scientifically shown, in a clinical study, to dramatically improve your memory in just 30 days. (narrator) today you'll hear from leading doctors and researchers about the remarkable benefits of cebria. you'll also get straight answers about age-related memory loss, why it happens to all of us, and what cebria can do to help simply, safely, and effectively. now join award-winning journalist and former cnn anchor bella shaw and her special guest: physician, researcher, and co-author of the acclaimed new memory advantage, who's been featured on cnn, fox news, and pbs, dr. marcus laux, for a program that will engage, enlighten, and change your life. (bella) hi, and welcome. i'm bella shaw. for ten years i was a prime-time news anchor for cnn. i had, what i used to call, a steel-trap brain, and then several years ago, little things began to change. i couldn't remember names and facts as well. i'd walk into a room and forget why i went in