even if you object to obamacare politically and plenty of people do, it's eid yotic to pay a fine and get nothing rather than pony up and at least get health insurance. plus there are subsidies to make the costs more bearable if you're on the lower end of the income spectrum. honestly, you shouldn't need legislation to make you get insurance, medical emergencies are the single biggest cause of bankruptcy in this country. i know how bad it is to live without insurance, i was homeless and had no health care plan and had to drive hours to get to a farm workers clinic to see a doctor and even then i couldn't get the care i needed. i know you think it can't happen to you and the younger demo in the audience can feel vulnerable and you don't want to be exposed to the financial risks of not owning health insurance. one illness, a couple hospital visits can crush the capital you spent building years away from the market. sure you can get coverage even if you have a pre-existing condition but it's a heck of a lot cheaper to buy insurance before you get sick. you'll need health care eventually