in the 1950s, emperor haile selassie, known as "the king of kings," embarked on a similar program ofs was supposed to be the legacy of ethiopia. the future. but the next time ethiopia found itself in the headlines, it was for this. and for many of us, that was the end of the story. so i'm looking forward to this week. >> marcus: i can't wait to show you ethiopia. >> anthony: i've been waiting for you. i mean, i'll tell you right now -- >> marcus: you couldn't have picked a better time because we have old ethiopia right here, and we also have new ethiopia right here, and, that's like, that combo -- it's gonna be so cool. >> anthony: marcus samuelsson. maybe you know him from such shows as -- a lot of them. or his many restaurants, his best-selling memoir, his status as america's most recognizable black chef. but marcus isn't african-american. he's swedish-american or ethiopian-swedish-american or, look, it's complicated. what is true to say is that marcus samuelsson, like his wife maya, was born here in ethiopia. >> anthony: so, when was the last time you were, uh, you were in ethiopi