that our weapons are hyperbole and satire and hard juxtapositions that are a ku dgeal when news media might use a scalpel. but that we stood by our argument and when our arguments were wrong, or if we thought, you know what, that was unfair and we did take that out of context, we had to own it. and apologize for that kind of thing. because that's not the intention. the intention was not to prop gandize, the intention was to see if you could make the argument in a reall this conversation is that comedy and satire ain't easy, it's hard. and the pursuit of it is a daily demand and requires a process. >> i think what i have tried to come out of it is excellence is hard. and competent tense is hard and the pursuit of that is is that process and that whether it be satire or whether it be interviews or whether it be news is that you know, every artist that i have ever really admired and i del-of-into their process, it's always the same. it's always deconstructed, some what obsessive and intentional. and i think you can translate thattetteos not just to satire but to any profession that peopl