join me in welcoming to the stage the amazing michelle zatlyn. [applause] heidi and michelle, so excited to have you here to kick off the series. you are remarkable in so many ways. i wanted to start with the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey and ask, was there a moment, a person, or an experience that catalyzed you wanting to be an entrepreneur? heidi: i was really lucky in that my father was an entrepreneur. he was not particularly successful, actually, but he was really happy. he was the kind of person who -- when i said, i think i should get a job, he said, why would you do that? why don't you do something or make something or figure out something people want and make that happen? to the was always, if you could create your own opportunity, you could control your life and contribute in ways that were meaningful to you, in ways that you could not do as part of a company. i have been with a lot of companies, but i was fortunate to have somebody who believed in that and believed in me, even though i was his female child. he actually used