phenobarbital, stimulants, benzedrine, and you begin to lose track of your friends.ou belong to a group, a group that must move in a veiled world of secrecy. because what you are doing is against the law. the constant fear of apprehension. now you meet like conspirators because the passing of pills is dangerous and must be secretive. nerves begin to wear then. -- thin. the fun of everyday living goes, you begin to wonder what your friends and parents think. the guilt grows, and as it does the need for something that will bring more relief, dispelled -- dispel the fears that you have created. you become more dependent on one another. but your pleasure in each other's company becomes less satisfying. and you depend more and more on the pills to help. finally the pills are not enough. you're ready for the second act of your three act tragedy. ♪ ♪ you have heard mike and the group talk of toking. you know it means smoking marijuana. mike is more experienced than you in the ways of narcotics, but until now, he has never suggested that you toke up together. but the pills d