the video of elor azaria killing abdul fattah while he was lying on the ground has led to this controversyeading to the case and the conviction of manslaughter charges. it isn't controversy at all in this regard, the israelis have a process of the rule of law and they have convicted this soldier of manslaughter, convicted of committing a crime, albeit from the israeli perspective, the mass public, this was a terrorists shot, but their laws, and by the way british soldiers have the same problem or being as the papers would put it hounded after actions in iraq and afghanistan. i think liberal democracies, and i will put israel in that category, many would disagree, and britain and america, their laws are too liberal. if you are wielding a knife near a professional soldier, do not expect that soldier to hold back albeit under current law that soldier has committed a crime. i think those laws should be changed. expect to be in harm's way and probably shot and killed if you are wielding a knife. it has nothing to do with whether you are palestinian orjewish or israel the all christian or whatev