back to the family saturday a syrian family soon to be neighbors of allentown area congressman charlie denlt. the family spent 14 years trying to get here legally. when they were sent back because of the new immigration order. >> it was just a horrible mess. and it was very sad affair. >> reporter: we met with charlie in his office. he is a republican and national security is very important, but so is patience. >> these types of actions do require a lot of thought and deliberatation. >> reporter: this executive order was clearly rushed and he believes trump should spent p spend less time worrying about refugee families and more time focused on people who might have become citizens of european nations and can come here to the u.s. with just a passport. i asked as a republican is he worried about taking heat from the trump administration for not supporting the order as written. >> i can't live in fear. i don't live in fear. i do my job. i try to call it like i see it. i try to be fair and measured and if that gets people upset from time to time, that's okay. i mean we're paid the big bucks to