even before i went and did the research on the real kenny wells who was named david walsh -- i had a of research and facts to find out about him -- it hit me immediately, oh, i know this, this is part of who my dad was, it's part of who my dad did business with, it's the chicago johns, the guys i saw my dad dealing with, and they were pipe and coupling salesmen. they were not prospectors, but in a way, they were prospectors. they were pedalling every day, waking up in the morning, throwing their legs over the side of the bed going, today's going to be the day. my dad's line was "i'm going to hit a lick," wish me luck, i'm going to hit a lick. and that means i'm going to make a big sale. and he didn't hit that lick. and he got up again the next day, today's going to be the day, i'm going to hit a lick, and he didn't, for days, for weeks, for months, for years, until he moved on. there's millions of people like that. and this is a story with kenny, he actually did find the gold, he actually did hit that lick. so you know, a lot of it was research i did on the guy, david walsh, whose or