. -- hermosa beach. law?y did you go into >> when i was a kid, my parents were poor. my mom said, you are a doctor or lawyer. when i see blood, i pass out. >> why do you think they have that outlook? my mom had a third grade education. i do not really know -- >> your parents immigrated from mexico? what was that like for them? >> they came here for a better life for their children. you hear stories about how they struggled when they got here. they were working hard to make sure we can go to college. seeing their struggle, that was own service, his form of service. it has always been about paying back. impact. had a huge what can i do to help create opportunities for others? and expand opportunities. of 11?were one >> yes. >> what was that like growing up? >> it was a very packed house all the time, and it was very loud. when i graduated from high school, it made me want to go away. i went to davis for my first year of undergrad. i came back after a year. .y father was ill at the time >> was your family able to join you for the swearing-in? >> yes. it was my mother's f