the other half, under nathanael greene, takes a different path. they swing around and come in on the pennington road. washington is with this column as it makes its way towards trenton. it is about 7:20, well after light has begun to streak through the skies. as they get closer to the village, washington is trying to maintain whatever surprise they might have. some of the soldiers were called washington was on horseback on the outskirts of town, and as the man passed by washington, moving into position around the village, washington was telling them to take -- stay by your officers. for god sakes, stay by your officers. and then they made first contact. shots exchanged with some of the hessian sentries. very quickly those sentries were quickly overwhelmed by the men coming out of the woods, and washington's men pressed forward. he could hear to his right gunfire, and then increasingly rapid gunfire as sullivan's men it made contact. washington took great comfort that selling 10 -- sullivan's men had arrived. what he didn't know was that all the ot