to put on your umigoggles hold your hands up to your eyes, like this. all: umigoggles on.riend, you found it. great job. i can reach that gold star with my extendo arm. arm extendo. bot: got it. whoo-hoo. we got sonya's lucky gold star. let's put it on top of the mast. legs extendo. all: ooh... we fixed sonya's boat. she's going to be so happy. [gasps] i know something we can do to make her even happier. we can change the color of the sail so it matches sonya's dress. she'll love that. i have a picture of sonya right here on my belly, belly... all: bellyscreen. milli: what color is sonya's dress? purple, right. purple plaid. pattern of... purple plaid. to put this pattern on the sail, sing: ♪ pattern power ♪ pattern power there, purple plaid. perfect [giggles]. indeed. nicely done, milli. thank you, bot. let's get this boat back to sonya so she can be in the boat race. we need to blow at the sailboat so it gets over to sonya. we need your help, umifriend. take a deep breath and blow at the sail. [inhale and blowing...] milli: it's working. keep blowing. [inhale and blowing