joining me now is dawn legan, chief experience officer of planned parenthood, fedderation of america, and the planned parenthood angz fund. it's great to have you with us. thanks for joining us. >> hi, amman. >> a video from one of the planned protest drg said the women's march was a wakeup call to the anti-abortion movement. now we are seeing these rallies to defund planned parenthood. are you concerned about these events given that you at least looking on the political landscape have a republican controlled congress and a white house that have been very critical of planned parenthood? >> well, amman, if they thought the wakeup call went off, the alarm must not have rung because when you look across the country today, there were very tiny, tiny protests and huge outpourings of support for planned parenthood in safe hall, minnesota, fewer than 100 protesters and 6,000 people rallied through a facebook post to turn out and say all of the great things that they support about planned parenthood, which is not surprising given that one in five american women go to planned parenthood during