peopople are lososing it because they can't do what they want to do for a living. so you get a a choice of let's go do something else. ththey give yoyu an optionon. we'll retrain you.i say, what you gogonna retrain me to be, a braiain surgeon?n? or a cable installer. either one of them susucks. i don't have ththe education to be a a brain surgeonon and i'm not going to o install cable. if youake me and put me in the carpenterer field or the welding, well, i'm putting somebody else out of a job. so here comes that domino effect we e were telling y you abouout. oyster r production ise the canary in a mine. ok. the canary dies, you in trouble. get out of there. until we get our oyster population back, which filters the waters, we're not going to have a good environment. you know, commercial fisherman, you have highs and lows economics. highgs and lows with weather, hurricanes, you know. but this manmade disaster is just lingering. >> the technology that was being used to clean up the deepwater horizon spill, the oil in the gulf of mexico, was the same technology as ha