joining us right now is brian vecci, he is with cyber security company veronis. thank you for coming in today. >> thanks for having me. >> that is really daunting when you think of all the things that are happening. what can i do? >> you want to be very careful what you put on your phone. when you down load an app, make sure you know what it is. update your phone and mobile apps. we don't want to update apps because we can lose features or it can slow things down. often times it will fix it. >> i always think that, look, if i'm using trusted brands like amazon, disney, things out there i am safe. am i right to think about that? it sounds like there are apps, that major companies, not those two necessarily, but major brands are vulnerable. >> they're going to do everything that they can. >> i've always wondered about apps that are free to download. they don't charge me anything. i always think, wait, what's the catch? is that potentially a trojan horse trying to get in? >> absolutely. you should be careful about what kinds of information you give to an app. when i