saddam hussein we invaded he could you refuse to get rid of them but qaddafi did get rid of them and stayed in power until the arab spring's, so you should hold up an example of somebody that got a benefit out of taking out weapons of mass distraction. that's it. host: thank you. this editorial, waking up to the north korea nuclear nightmare, from the chicago tribuebsite d reads -- the: that editorial from chicago tribune website. good morning, where are you calling from? caller: good morning. koreaalling because north is a challenge and a half for us. history has shown in the time we get involved with a military adventure, we are in a quandary that does not resolve itself, and that is part of the reason we have not seen anyone take that route. host: how do we resolve it, caller? caller: i would suggest diplomacy and we invest in our ability to manage our economy and work with china and learn how we can help them to feed their people, feed them not only resources for information. it is democracy that has worked for us, and we have to continue that effort. unfortunately, north korea i