and the head of the san francisco drug enforcement administration is also going to join us. later on, you'll hear how opioids affect the brain and why the cravings are so intense. stay with us. we'll be right back. >> i did martial arts, gymnastics, piano lessons. i was an honor-roll student -- always went to school. i was like 3.43 grade point average. >> mm. well, the federal government says 91 people die in this country every day from overdoses from opioids such as oxycodone or heroin. it's an epidemic that a lot of people don't even want to acknowledge until they've lost somebody. our guests right now are lieutenant tim simmons with the richmond police department and john martin, special agent in charge of the drug enforcement administration, san francisco division. thank you both for being here today. >> thanks for having us, cheryl. >> special agent, i wanted to start with you because the documentary we're using is something that came about from the fbi and dea. that's really -- i've never seen anything like it. >> yeah, it's a wonderful collaboration. that is a really