and once president trump selected neil gorsuch, the right hng wing money machine went into action. since that money money has flooded our airwaves, more than $10 million spent in support of this nomination. never before has our country witnessed a multimillion dollar campaign for the supreme court. when pressed, judge gorsuch said he had no idea who or why anybody would spend that much money to make sure he sits on the highest court. i think we know why from looking at his record. they want someone who consistently rules in favor of large corporate special interests against the rest of us. mr. president, there's a better way. typically the white house will consult with members of both party, republicans and democrats, before settling on a nominee. this time that courtesy was not extended to democrats. if it had, we could be talking today about a bipartisan nomin nominee, someone who would uphold equal justice under the law for every american. the rules do not need to change. the nominee needs to be changed. mr. president, our nation's independent judiciary is under attack. our pres