. -- holdeman had his own biases, but nixon wanted a protestant, mainstream, white american.rian: i found the last 120 pages where there were source notes, not a part of the narrative in your book, some of the most interesting stuff. , usually people that are older, they are going to know who richard nixon wasn't all that. that's why i am focusing on this. with that in mind, i want you to hear something that you know about from one of the tapes. holdeman knowdid that nick's and had a taping system? john: he and some others were the only ones. brian: this is key and mix and talking in the oval office. we've got it on the screen, so listen carefully. >> [indiscernible] john: both of them knew they were on tape. both of theman: knew they were on tape. what were they talking about that for? too muchwould take far intellectual concentration and effort to talk all the time for the tape recorder. he was confident that he could maintain control on it. he had been eisenhower's vice president, and hence even eisenhower and truman make the vast claims of executive privilege. he thought