about sexual persona was about this gay intellectual guy and messages is that renegade and -- myra breckinridges a transsexual. -- my voice is the voice of a transsexual. this is absolutely true. but nevertheless, i believe and that is why call my book free women, three men. it is time, transgender people in the middle, actually gain identity from the existence of the mass of men and the mass of women. so i plug you as a man. [laughter] >> thank you so much for being bold and going into these non- pc realm. it empowers people as me. i grew up a baptist as you will. i made the jump to with their and and i would like to ask you, for my perspective libertarianism is about empowerment. it is the party of the women should be migrated to in my opinion. >> yes. >> in your opinion how do we draw more women into that libertarian philosophy and explained to them that it is the party of the empowerment? whereas democrats, progressive, the idea is to replace men with the government. where's the libertarian pope philosophy is to empower women and while ultimately empowering men. >> i do, civil libertarian a