someone like nietzsche owed so much to ostoyevsky so even philosophers are people who we, all philosophers are reading the novelists of the 19th century and being stimulated by them.>> it's hard to think of any, i suppose because philosophy today has a different role, it's very modern today. so it couldn't have the same kind of relationship with fiction. but it's really hard to imagine a book as meaningful in all kinds of ways as say the brothers cannot solve. or war and peace, i mean i know these are unfair comparisons in many ways but you could also look at a small book like notes from the underground which featured a line this book. >> and take readings of particular psychologies, particular temperaments in the way it did in the 19th century novelists did, i just don't know whether that is possible and are much more diverse, much more fragmented today. >> let's take a novel that i know we both really admired. i remember the nightfall came out, we talked about it and you said rightly, you know, it's a decent book but it didn't explain how that man ended up in the river. so that a novel,