this video spread like pinkeye and day care this week. showing passenger dr.t weekend co -- two statements, they are -- pretty bad day, on the other, united dropped 250 million dollars, in market value, some members of congress were calling for investigation so yientdz realized plain wrong. in the future, no one voluntarily decides to movie from a plane based on amount of money. >> not putting a law enforcement official to take them off. >> never come on one of your planes. >> to remove a -- a booked, paid seating passenger we can't do that. >> any, thursday, the attorney held a press concerns said this about weather he thought the matter had anything do with race. >> i don't think this is a matter of race at all. i share with you a -- e-mail i got actually late last night suggested that dr. dow is the more than day asian rosa parks. i don't think that is the case at all. i think what happened to the doctor could have happened to any, anyone of us. >> pretty refreshing. so do you think this case will change how passengers are treated on flights? we got exclusi