. -- valasquez. for the work you do on behalf of working families and consumers in the country, particularly on behalf of my new -- the people i represent. i would like to share with you in the committee some stats regarding small business lending practices. in terms of the most vulnerable population of the small business sector. women and minorities. disagreehy i strongly with the chairman of the committee about the section 1071. one study found them of women who sought financing, 32% received compared to 35% of men. they were more likely to receive short-term funding with a pr's from 14% to 15% or higher than men. 13% higherwomen paid interest rates for the same product. ns, guaranteeda by the federal government. women received less funding on average than men. the average being nearly $60,000 for women in over $156,000 from an. -- four men. -- for men. they pay higher interest rates than on minorities. it is important to the cable to collect data so it shows us whether or not we need to come up wi