last year, colleen wong launched a smartphone watch, the gator, it allows parents to keep track of theirays being a start—up boss is not glamorous. as well as running a company, she is a busy mum caring for two kids. to keep costs down she employs two flexible staff who look after it and social media marketing, and three advisors who are friends with start—up experience. so far, the business has received no outside investment yet, but colleen is looking at crowd—funding. with me is colleen wong, developer of the gator watch and founder of child tracker firm, techsixtyfour. explain how the gator watch works. so it has a button here that can call mum or dad or up to ten other members of the family and it is a tracker as well. parents can download the gator app and track where their child is and uses gps when the child is outdoors and wi—fi when the child is outdoors and wi—fi when it is indoors. it is something kids would probably want to wear. we touched on there why you saw the need for it. talk us through the moment when you realised this could bea moment when you realised this could be