. >> we moved from slavonic to english about 23 years ago. >> if i wanted to fulfill my sunday obligation, receive the sacraments, confession, eucharist at your church, that is perfectly all right. >> like in any other catholic church, the liturgy will be quite different. we are a parish of the archdiocese because the number of russian byzantine catholic churches throughout the world is so small that they have been entrusted to the care of the local latin ordinary, which of course and our case is the archbishop of san francisco. and he has appointed me to be pastor of his parish. i'm the first diocesan priest to hold that title. most of the pastors were jesuits in the past. we are fully catholic. and so to receive the eucharist and the sacrament of confession, you are receiving it from a catholic priest and your stubbly -- sunday obligation is fulfilled if you would like to attend. in fact, it is encouraged for roman catholics to familiarize themselves with eastern catholics and to at least once in their life, attend a liturgy in the eastern and in our case byzantine tradition. >> i have