yoshida was a 13-year-old boy who had been blown back 130 feet into a rice paddy. his face was severely burned and disfigured. like do, for years he remained in hiding in his house, afraid of people's stares. but he eventually needed to work and found a job in the warehouse of a grocery wholesaler. each of the five survivors whose stories i tell experienced personal moments of awareness or transformation that led them to speaking publicly about their experiences, to do everything possible that nagasaki is the last atomic bomb city in history. here is the story of yoshida's first public telling of his story and how he speaks children about his experiences. a note about his appearance, yoshida wears a large black patch to cover the place where his right ear used to be. the patch is secured by a black elastic band that runs underneath his chin, up the other side of his face and across the top of his nearly-bald head. scar tissue covers his face and neck, and his left ear is shriveled. whitten he smiles, his mouth is quick -- when he smiles, his mouth is quick -- crook