and a columnist at the daily beast, anthony fisher. what a sterling night of liberty. so anthony, i'll tart with you. this is the height of hypocrisy. this is what republicans were so incensed by when obamacare was passed in the first place. >> the democrat didn't bathe themselves in glory the way the affordable care act was passed. right now there is no transparency. republican voters can't even say with confidence they know what's in the bill. you should always delete your tweets he couple years. kennedy: nor rand paw was poking around the house office building looking for copies of the house version of the ahca. >> that entire talk-athon government? no one wants to ask that because god knows they don't have the answer. >> i think we are dealing with the ramifications of the years and years of jerry man during and redistricting. there is anyone season tough to compromise because it doesn't benefit them politically. >> this has been around since america was a country. this has been our system from the beginning and that's the way it's going to be. kennedy: president tr