. >> greg: le harris t didn't want him to answer the question.ould cut him off at the point where it sounded like he was o saying something else. it is very clever but after a while, you realize how hackneyed it was. as for ron wyden, sessions was very generous to him because he handed his ass to him. >> juan: i don't think so. that goes back to the idea, i feel like sessions is not being responsive, if he had something to say, say it. get it out. when he testified, when he was being confirmed, and didn't reveal the additional meeting, that really openedl the door. that madeha him more vulnerableo democrats ks from the democrats. >> jesse: kimberly, real quick. >> kimberly: if people, like senator kamala harris, these are auditions for a democratic open auditions to lead the democratic party. they are playing foosball with anyone that is associated with president trump, trying to take wax at him, and see and make a big show. this is what happens. a worked out to be office. >> jesse: democrats had accusations at sessions, stonewalling, obstruction