lord howe island is a world heritage site and home to migratory seaeabirds like the shearwaterer. seabirds are incredibly helpfpful because thy act l like an army of scicienti. ththey travel thousands of miles across the ocean, they pick up plastic off the surface of the ocean, they bring it back to their rockeries where they feed it to their chicks, and that provides an incredible amount of scientific data in terms of whwhere the plastic comes from, its distribution, , and how it breaks up on the ocean's surface. dr. jennifer lavers, she's devototed her lifife to studydye plight ofof seabirds.s. shearwaters arare incredibible birds. they migratate thousandnf miles, s stopping ononly here to breed.d. lavers: y yeah, the s stomach is very, very full, and if we look here, there''s some very darark piececes, some very light white pieces. and if you see, you know, as i push on this, it's absolutely ririgid, completely, comompletey full of plastic all the way up. leeson: : ugh, look k at that. lavers: absolutely no doubt that this bird didied as a reresult f that plplastic. that is lit