to the public, and i don't see any other way to achieve this than to continue our ongoing cal overright rowell and preserving the public's voice is the an way to keep our national asset and protect all uses, commercial aviation, and general aviation, and drones and commercial space operators, we don't know that they are but know it's starting to happen now. so we must to the maximum extent possible protect the rights of the traveling public as well. it's not a secret, our air sprays has an up matched safety record. we can watch together to build on the safety record, and i look forward to it, and open the air sprays to more -- air space to more and mow users as technology changes. some of which are beyond our current imagination but are starting to happen right now. so, madam secretary, i look forward to discussing this issue with you today and continuing those conversations in the weeks and monthed ahead. secretary, i appreciate your attention, and the attention the president has given to infrastructure last week, improve are ought nation's truck is an area where we can find common ground and