so thankfully ray's brother ran the foundation, the first iteration from the kroc foundation, from a ranch in santa inez in california, called the j & r double r ranch, and ray's brother was the exact opposite of him and he was meticulous record keeper and knew he was doing michigan important with the early part of the mcdonald's corporation when mcdonald's went public. so there was this hardship assignment of going to the university of california san santa barbara, which has a beautiful research library and sifting through the papers and looking for clues, was both la borous and -- lab borous and also a joy when you found something. i'm sorry for the long answer. >> host: let's talk about ray a bit. there's a strong connection to chicago, living in oakbrook and mooing to the city and the home of mcdonald's number one. so, is it truly the first mcdonald's? >> guest: it isn't. the first mcdonald's -- i late to disappoint the chicagoans in the audience -- the first mcdonald's really was in san bernardino. actually the first one was in riverside county but riverside, california, and mcdo