university law professor sanford teachout. to the incredible class we have in this country. mark twain writes about this in his novel the gilded age. two different languages of corruption that happen in the late 19 century where elites start to say it isn't really corrupt, this is the way we do things. and everybody else says if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is a duck. >> is -- a talk about free speech and censorship on college campuses. >> calling it a diffractive tax unfreeze each, i kind of agree with them. they can't invite the speakers that they want to speak because there will be violent. threats, when to you have given a threat to violence, you basically are allowing the violent agitators to be successful even before they land one punch. that is a dangerous precedent to set. just because of the threats of violence. back and hillary clinton talks about the 2016 presidential election. >> you may think you know what happened. you may be right to a certain extent based on what you perceive that how you process it. i will tell you how i saw it and what i f