. - braniff. - braniff right, those guys are gone, and you're here. you were the disrupter at the time, where now it's common place to talk about disruption, right? it's almost a cliche, but you were literally a disruptor before that was a thing, and the people you disrupted went away. - we were really the maverick, and it was the low cost, low fare model. low fare model. the area that we've really i think differentiated ourselves today is that we're also great service and low cost. and low cost. - in all fairness, wasn't customer service always part of the formula? i remember the earliest days when i flew southwest, which is of course not 46 years ago, but it's a while ago, and i remember thinking at the time they're just treating you more like a human being than most other airlines do. that seemed to be a part of the values of the company. - that's exactly right, and it's not so much that we've changed in that regard, it's that everyone else has really gone the other direction. that's the allowed us to differentiate ourselves. - well let me play str